The first incarnation of ORAPP was named ORA++, and was the product
of work done at Napster, Inc., which that company generously allowed
to be open-sourced. Unfortunately not a lot of work was done to
clean up what was released, nor was it well-documented, nor is it
frankly pleasant code to look at. ORAPP is the second major version
of the design, and represents a complete clean-room rewrite of the
original design. It is a superior library because it is more
stable, more well-organized, provides more useful interfaces, and of
course is free of Napster's original license.
Also, please be aware that there is one other ORAPP out in
the wild, but it is unrelated to this library. It appeared after I
had started this project and registered it on SourceForge, but even
after notifying the author of the name collision he still made the
decision to keep the name anyway. So, this may or may not be the
library you're looking for, depending on how you found this.